We hope everyone had an amazing and restful Thanksgiving week! We are back to our regularly scheduled classes and if you’re new to the academy we have our Intro to BJJ class every Monday at 5:30pm which will help prepare you to step into our CT-A classes. Professor Caio has meticulously designed the curriculum to […]
Happy Thanksgiving everyone and thank you all for being part of the team! We hope everyone has a great holiday with family and friends and look forward to having many of our students who are traveling back on the mats with us soon. This will be a half week of classes due to the holiday […]
Everyone is capable of learning, however, the paralysis of not knowing where to start can keep us from reaching our potential. The Intro and CT-A classes teach world championship-level technique and movement so you have the tools to grow into an amazing black belt without the guesswork. Professor Caio’s curriculum is not easy but it […]
We are on to another week of training and we are covering several important submissions that you will see regularly throughout your journey. While submission is the end goal, holding and advancing position must always be our primary concern. Dominant positioning allows you to submit your opponent and stay safe if you are in a […]
If you’ve searched Jiu Jitsu online, you have probably seen videos and comments debating whether Jiu Jitsu is best trained for self defense or for sport. In reality, training Jiu Jitsu prepares you for any challenge or adversity. The sport is designed around “combativeness” a term that is incredibly important to your training since points […]
We will always go further together! At CTA we are grateful for the amazing students and instructors that show up every week to train. When we look across the mats we see higher belts helping new students, instructors staying after class to answer questions, and friends sharing stories. So often visitors to the academy comment […]
Learning a new skill like Brazilian Jiu Jitsu can be intimidating and that’s why Professor Caio has designed our curriculum to help students understand how to move to defend themselves. Learning proper movement is key to understanding Jiu Jitsu on the mats and more importantly, throughout your life. No matter what you do for work… […]
No matter your age or rank, we always have fun training with our friends. Learning Jiu-Jitsu is a rewarding challenge but don’t take it so seriously you don’t allow yourself to have fun along the way. Comparison is the thief of joy; if you find yourself comparing your journey to others, getting hurt, or frustrated […]
We all want to improve and many students assume that by taking a higher level class, they’ll learn faster. In fact the opposite is true since understanding the fundamental concepts in CT-A will enable you to understand the lesson plans in other classes. You wouldn’t build a house starting with the walls or roof, likewise […]
They say the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step… Your student training card helps Professor Caio track your progress through the curriculum and lets instructors know when you’ve reached milestones for promotion and testing. Write down the sessions you’re attending on your card and ask an instructor if you’re struggling to […]